08:45 Registration, coffee & networking
09:20 Chairman's welcome and opening remarks
Matt Andrews, International Esports Event Host & TV Presenter,
09:30 Opening Keynote: Consumer Insights
Joost van Dreunen, CEO & Co-Founder, Superdata Research
10:00 Keynote panel discussion: eSports 2.0 – where can we go from here?
- Connecting the professional eSports industry to the wider consumer in the right way: education & evangelism
- Buying into eSports – what can recent M&A and investment trends tell us about the future of eSports?
- Overcoming industry fragmentation; who is best placed to lead this?
- Fan profiling – where is the value to consumer brands in eSports?
Moderator: Charleyy Hodson, SkyTV/Ginx
Andy Payne, Chair, British eSports Association
Spike Laurie, MD UK & International Director, ESL
Chester King, CEO, eGames Group
Andy Payne, Chair, British eSports Association
Spike Laurie, MD UK & International Director, ESL
Chester King, CEO, eGames Group
Martin Wyatt, Head of Programming & Partner Relations, Gfinity
11:00 Coffee & networking
11:00 VIP Speed Networking
TRACK A: Entry Level: eSports Rookie
11:45 Traditional sports and eSports: how far should the parallels be taken?
11:45 Traditional sports and eSports: how far should the parallels be taken?
- What elements of traditional sports should eSports be emulating, and what can be left behind?
- Harnessing the power of eSports for children’s development
Gareth Moore, Business Development Director, Sports Intelligence, Kantar Media
12:10 Optimising eSports team sponsorship
12:10 Optimising eSports team sponsorship
- What kind of commitment does team sponsorship involve?
- The ‘dos and don’ts’ of team sponsorship; when to invest and why
- Team sponsorship case study – optimising brand association
Darren Newnham, Head of Business Development, Fnatic
12:35 Panel discussion: Making the most of tournaments and live events
12:35 Panel discussion: Making the most of tournaments and live events
- Understanding how live eSports events & tournaments differ from traditional sports events
- Getting to grips with the different leagues and tournaments
- Experiential & immersive experiences
Moderator: Rob Allen, Team Manager, UK eSports
Darren Newnham, Head of Business Development, Fnatic
James Dean, Founder & Co MD, ESL
James Dean, Founder & Co MD, ESL
Martin Wyatt, Head of Programming & Partner Relations, Gfinity
Dave Newton, CEO, WeGotTickets
Dave Newton, CEO, WeGotTickets
TRACK B: Level Up: eSports Pro
11:45 Interactive Panel Discussion - Regulation and protecting the integrity of eSports
11:45 Interactive Panel Discussion - Regulation and protecting the integrity of eSports
- Understanding cheating in eSports
- Does eSports have a problem with doping?
- Are unions necessary to take eSports to the next level?
Moderator: Dean Barrett, Managing Director, Bastion
Ian Smith, eSports Integrity Commissioner, ESIC
Ian Smith, eSports Integrity Commissioner, ESIC
Jordan Fawcett, Marketing Executive, William Hill
Adam Leadercramer, Partner, Onside Law
Adam Leadercramer, Partner, Onside Law
Kurt Pakendorf, Chief Strategy Officer, FACEIT
12:45 The role of analytics in eSports monetisation
12:45 The role of analytics in eSports monetisation
- Leveraging insights into customer metrics and user behaviour to enhance revenue opportunities
- Sharing insights: can the eSports industry ever really grow unless more data is shared?
Peter Warman, CEO, Newzoo
13:15 Lunch & speaker roundtables & networking
13:15 Lunch & speaker roundtables & networking
During this lunch break, some of our expert speakers will be hosting roundtables, allowing delegates to ask them questions in more detail and continue conversations beyond presentations and panels.
14:30 Interactive Roundtables
14:30 Interactive Roundtables
During this session, delegates will be able to pick one table from a series in the room, each with a separate topic and a specific industry expert leader. This format enables delegates to get deeper into each of the topics in question, and facilitates an enhanced sharing of information and opinions in a smaller and more informal manner.
Topics for discussion include:
- Staying genuine on social media
- Roundtable Leader: Stuart O'Brien, Director, Mimram Media
- Mobile eSports - an emerging opportunity?
- Roundtable Leader: Simon Sunden, VP & Head of Pro Gaming, Gumbler
- Traditional publishers vs. eSports specialists: Who should you work with?
- Roundtable Leader: Peter Warman, CEO, NewZoo
- Is industry fragmentation a problem for eSports?
- Roundtable Leader: Chester King, CEO, eGames
15:15 Interactive roundtable feedback panel
Each roundtable leader will report back to the room on the key points that have come out of their discussion as a table.
15:45 Coffee & networking
15:45 VIP Speed Networking
16:15 TV, OTT & eSports
16:15 TV, OTT & eSports
- Does eSports really need to be on linear TV?
- What lessons can the eSports industry learn from OTT providers such as Netflix?
- Understanding the impact of streaming & multi-channel networks on eSports
- Digital rights management & eSports piracy
David Yarnton, UKIE eSports Committee & Gfinity Director
16:40 Closing Keynote Interactive Panel: Advertising & media buying in eSports
16:40 Closing Keynote Interactive Panel: Advertising & media buying in eSports
- How is eSports changing the media buying world?
- How can brands make sure they are making the most of eSports coverage?
- Reaching your target market through game streams
- Which games/leagues for which demographics?
Moderator: Oliver Ring, Journalist, eSports Insider
Tom Wallace, Director, Target Media
Mark Reed, Director, Heaven Media
Mark Reed, Director, Heaven Media
Malph Minns, Managing Director, Strive Sponsorship
Oliver Boden, Head of eSports Europe, IMG
17:30 Closing remarks from the Chair
Matt Andrews, TV Presenter and eSports Host