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For more than two decades, TVBEurope has been the leading trade publication serving the traditional broadcast media industry. In today’s changing marketplace, TVBEurope continues to lead the way as the independent voice of the evolving media and entertainment sector. Covering production, post, audio, business, OTT, IP, the connected world, and all components of infrastructural workflow, TVBEurope owns a unique trust in the marketplace making it the best placed media outlet to cover the industry’s transition to the digital age.
TV Tech Global
TV Tech Global is NewBay’s first truly international brand, covering media industry production, workflow and distribution tools and tech across all seven continents. Each bi-monthly issue includes a region-specific focus, accompanied by an editorial presence at major regional tradeshows. TV Tech Global covers the entire scope of content creation and distribution – from the work of a lone producer operating out her flat to international, multi-broadcaster collaborations at major sports events, from reviews of cameras and microphones to thought leadership on bleeding edge software and services.
With the widest coverage of any media tech publication in the world, TV Tech Global is your toolkit for navigating the global media ecosystem.
Audio Media International (AMI)
Audio Media International (AMI) delivers invaluable trade information across the spectrum of pro-audio. The publication combines the industry’s leading monthly print magazine with a high-traffic website and the best daily newsletter in the business to create the top technology resource for the pro-audio end user. AMI features tech news, product reviews, end-user case studies, and ‘how tos’, exploring the latest technologies and trends. In print, online, and via our social media platforms, the brand is the most effective way to reach the heart of the industry.
For 30 years PSNEurope, (formerly Pro Sound News Europe) has informed and entertained pro-audio’s movers and shakers as the industry’s most respected business monthly.
Delivering a dynamic mix of features and analysis to everyone working in European professional sound, PSNEurope draws upon its unparalleled name recognition, experienced team and continent-wide reach to get your brand into the hands of the people who matter.
The Installation portfolio comprises a monthly magazine, up-to-the-minute website, daily and weekly e-newsletters, targeted e-shots and  an expanding range of events, including the InstallAwards and InstallFutures. Installation covers permanent audio, video and lighting systems integration within the global market. The magazine, which publishes 10 issues per year, is sent to a requested circulation of 12,000 key named professionals. Our active readership primarily consists of key purchasing decision makers including systems integrators, consultants and architects as well as facilities managers, IT professionals and other end users.